Among its many progeny, the 1944 Education Act gave birth to the modern youth service. 在1944年通过的《教育法案》的诸多衍生条款中,就包括了现代青年教育服务。
Would you tell us something about the new Education Act? 请你给我们讲讲新的教育法好吗?
So tonight, I ask Congress to change the Higher Education Act so that affordability and value are included in determining which colleges receive certain types of federal aid. 因此今晚,我向国会提议,修改高等教育法案。这样,哪些大学的可支付学费以及它们各自的价值就能被包含在联邦资助中。
In a society where the primal instinct of the classes is to collide rather than to integrate, the education act is creating situations that nobody knows how to resolve. 这个社会中,不同阶级的原始本能是碰撞,而不是融合,而该教育法案所导致的一些状况,也没有人知道该如何解决。
As a result of the 1944 Education Act, secondary schooling for all became law. 由于1944年的教育法案的结果,普及中等教育已成为法律条文。
NLEA nutrition labeling and education act of1990. 1990年营养标识与教育法。
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act ( IDEA) defines a "specific learning disability" as any psychological disorder that impairs a person's ability to read, write, listen, or speak. 《残疾人法案》将“特殊学习障碍”定义为由心理障碍导致的听说读写能力的损害。
For a child with a disability, as defined by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, related services are those that are required to help that child benefit from special education. 根据残疾人教育法,残疾孩子可得到相关的服务以便使其能从特殊教育中受益。
The Bilingual Education Act was, in USA in2002, abolished and the English Language Acquisition Act took its place. 2002年美国废除了《双语教育法》,实行单语的《英语习得法》;
American Higher Education Act and the Change of Federal Responsibility 美国《高等教育法》演变过程中联邦政府的责任变化
And all of our product labeling complies with the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act ( DSHEA) labeling standards. 和我们所有的产品标签符合膳食补充剂健康与教育法(DSHEA)标签标准。
A Dispute between Religion and Science in American Textbooks& based on Scopes 'Trial and National Defense Education Act 美国教科书中的宗教与科学之争&以斯科普斯案和《国防教育法》为例
What is the Private Education Act? 什么是私立教育制度法案?
A child between the ages of six and twenty-one may qualify for special education and related services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. 根据残疾人教育法,年龄在6岁和21岁之间的孩子有资格接受特殊教育和与特殊教育相关的服务。
She says that more girls are going to school since India's flagship programme for universal education and the Right to Education Act ( 2009) came into force. 自印度全民教育旗舰规划和教育权法案(2009)实施以来,越来越多的女童入学。
The legal framework of education in Thailand is based on the 1997 Constitution and the 1999 National Education Act. 其法律基础是1997年新宪法和1999年国家教育法。
Lifelong Education Act as an essential part of Lifelong Education System, it plays an important role to protect and promote the development of Lifelong Education system. 终身教育法作为终身教育体系的一个重要组成部分,保障并促进了其发展和完善。
The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act in1994 ( DSHEA) allows HHDS manufacturers to assume the sole responsibility for ensuring the effectiveness and safety of their products. 1994年颁布的《食补卫生与教育法令》(DSHEA)允许HHDS生产商独自对他们产品的安全性和有效性进行检验。
The 1944 Education Act is a milestone in the history of education in Britain. Its issue and implementation have promoted the development of Britain's modern education after war. 1944年教育法在英国教育史上占有里程碑式的地位,它的颁布与实施,推动了战后英国现代教育的发展。
In 1960s Vocational Education Act and its amendments ensure the high speed of the development of economy; 20世纪60年代《职业教育法》及其系列修正案的颁布实施使高职为经济的高速发展提供了保证;
In the third part, it comments on the historical position of the 1944 Education Act. 第三部分评析了1944年教育法的历史地位。
Self design is essentially a self education act, but it should accord with social demands. 自我设计本质上是自育行为,同时要与社会需要保持一致。
From the viewpoint of modernization, the 1944 Education Act was a need of Britain's modernization; 从现代化的角度看,1944年教育法是英国现代化发展的需要。
Finally the part analyzes the impact of International Education Act on the development of American international education through taking Ohio State University as an example. 最后以俄亥俄州立大学为例,分析了《国际教育法》对美国国际教育发展的影响。
Education Law, Teacher Law and Higher Education Act have put requirements on Teacher Appointment System in colleges and universities. 教育法、教师法以及高等教育法都对高等学校教师实行聘任制作了法律规定。
Elementary and Secondary Education Act had achieved a great success in giving large-scale funds for primary and secondary education. 《中小学教育法》在为中小学教育提供大规模资助方面取得了巨大的成功。
The implementation of vocational qualification certificate system is not only the provision of Labor Law and Vocational Education Act, is the central implementation of the "technology and education" strategy, but also an important measure for the initiation of human resources. 实行职业资格证书制度,不仅是劳动法和职业教育法的规定,更是实施人力资源开发的重要举措,对于提高劳动者素质、加快劳动力市场的培育和发展、促进经济建设都具有重要意义。
Thirdly the part epitomizes the main contents of International Education Act. 接着重点概括了《国际教育法》的主要内容。
Environmental Education Act set the legal liability, administrative liability exemption clause. 环境教育法的法律责任的设定、行政法律责任、免责条款。